P-CASA Membership Application
Please help us succeed by joining P-CASA. You can make a difference in your community!
As a member of P-CASA, you become part of our team of leaders performing different tasks to bring long-term changes that will decrease youth access to drugs and alcohol. We are also striving to be a support system for all Paterson youth, parents, community members, and professionals.
Members are not required to participate in all meetings, activities, or events. Listed below are the different levels of participation for our members:
- P-CASA Member: You will have the opportunity to join one of our three subcommittees based on your interests. You will also receive meeting invitations, meeting minutes, and informational emails such as notices of upcoming events, meetings, training opportunities, and news alerts on drug and alcohol trends.
- P-CASA Supporter: You cannot be an active member at this time but would like to serve as a supporter of ADAPT. This means that you will be a part of our email distribution list, distribute information and material from P-CASA to the community you work with.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead