
Face-the-Facts is a community awareness campaign sponsored by the Paterson Coalition Against Substance Abuse (P-CASA).

Face-the-Facts utilizes P-CASA’s extensive research to educate and inform the people of Paterson—particularly the 1st Ward community—about the prevalence and dangers of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs.

Face-the-Facts relies on strong partnerships with students, parents, civic associations, faith-based organizations, schools, social service agencies, law enforcement, and media to build a deeper community understanding of the critical issues facing Paterson youth.

We need COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS to help our city Face-the-Facts!

  • Community Champions use Face-the-Facts information to start conversations with Paterson youth about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.
  • Community Champions share Face-the-Facts information and materials with family, friends, and neighbors. We have posters, postcards, and other materials that make it easy to see and share facts and success stories about our community.
  • Community Champions spread Face-the-Facts messages on social media. Like us and then share what we post with your connections on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
